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- Media Awareness on Road Safety
Our Media Stations should show the burden of road accidents on peoples lives so that other people can learn from them
This can be done through:
It costs the country up to Kshs.300 Billion (about 5% of GDP) every year when road accidents occur
About 6,500 persons die because of road traffic injuries every year and many more are injured
Major financial losses arising from hospital bills and property damages
Some survivors suffer from mental health issues such as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
This will ensure that motorists are following the rules and regulations that help maintain their safety
They include:
All vehicles must be fitted with standardized and certified safety belts
They are a mandatory requirement for all Commercial Vehicles and Passenger Service Vehicles (PSVs).
They should be fully accreditied by the relevant authorities
To help reduce drunk-driving related accidents on the roads
Our Government should help spread the awareness and importance of road safety to all its citizens.
The following can help create awareness:
Through the use of electronic and print media to reach a large number of its citizens within a short time
This will help remind the public on the importance of road safety and the purpose of traffic rules and signs