Road Traffic Statistics as at 31st December, 2022

Road Traffic injuries (RTIs) are among the ten leading causes of death worldwide.



Seriously Injured

Slightly Injured

About Us

Our Profile

Road Safety Association of Kenya was established in 2013, by like-minded individuals, drawn from the corporate sector. This came at a time when road accidents were a norm in Kenya. It was apparent then that, the corporate were the most affected, by loss of skilled manpower, financial implications and time loss. As they say prevention is better than cure, and to nip this in the bud RSAK was formed. It served as a platform to advocate for Road safety. However, they realized earlier on, unless action was taken correctively by the government, members of the public and private sector, things would not change.

Over the years, they have lobbied, provided civic education and taken to task, regulatory Authorities, charged with keeping Kenya's safe on our roads. To date, we are over 150 corporate members and still counting. Our mission is to advice the government agencies where necessary on matters road safety.

Our Objectives

To develop and promote road safety education through education, publicity campaigns, development of training materials and a range of publications focusing on safe road use which will result in the reduction of road accidents in Kenya.

To develop a research, analysis and statistics data base on road safety and transport in Kenya.

To promote and encourage adtherence to laws, rules and regulations governing road use.

To assist in the implementation of laws, rules and regulations which pertains to road safety.

To examine the analysis of up to date trends of road deaths,injuries and related problems and seek solutions for the same by engaging relevant stakeholders.

To submit proposals to the relevant authorities for providing and improving facilities for road users and transport users.

To develop and/or promote products and incentives that promotes and improves road safety.

To seek technical and financial support for purposes of development of road safety in Kenya.

To strengthen and promote the cooperation between stakeholders in the transport industry across Kenya.

To organize seminars, meetings and conferences for the better management and development of road safety practices.

To do other things for the advancement of the general safety and awareness of the people of Kenya, and undertake all such activities towards the attainment of the above objects.

Our Team

David Kiarie


Armed with a vision of #zeroliveslost, David's mission is to eradicate road carnage on our roads. After enduring a life-changing experience from a road accident, his passion for road safety is rivaled to none.

Martin Ouma


As one of the founding members of Road Safety Association of Kenya, Martin has been at the forefront in the fight to make Kenyan roads safer for all road users especially pedestrians and cyclists.

Lilian Waiganjo


She has been involved with matters of road safety for many years. As a member of the RSAK, she took part in the appeal to the government to establish a specific road safety authority, hence the creation of the NTSA.

Road Safety

It refers to the methods and measures used to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured.

Vehicle Safety

Vehicles should be road-worthy and in pristine conditions

Road Users Safety

They are pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, vehicle passengers and passengers of on-road public transport.

Road Design

The designs of our roads should encourage appropriate road user behaviour and safe speeds.

Training Institutions

To support training, education and development programs to produce safe and qualified drivers.

Government Action

Our Government should enfore road safety policies to enhance road safety.

Media Awareness

Media stations should provide civic education and show the impact of road accidents on victims.

Work With Us Today

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

~ Former President Barack Obama

Recent News

8th Nov, 2022

Ruhonge rwa kuramata thibindi kuuria matereba makorwo na wuigiririki - Kameme TV

Gikundi gia guthingatithia wuigiririki barabaraini unyitaniri-ini na ruhonge rwa NTSA nimaambiriirie mungururio wa kumurika ngari iria iratwarithio na thibindi iria igathikitwo itemi-ini ria kunyihanyihia mitino ya barabara riri tukuhiriirie mambura ma thigukuu ya Christmas.

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7th Nov, 2022

Road Safety Association cites faults in expansion - KBC Channel 1

The Speed Governor and Road Safety Association has threatened to sue the Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) if it does not redesign the expanded Eastern Bypass. The association's chairman Edward Gitonga and the Road Safety Association of Kenya Chairman David Kiarie said the road design puts users at great risk as it lacks service lanes on each side for public service vehicles to drop and pick passengers.

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7th Nov, 2022

Msako wa wanaokiuka sheria kuanzishwa - KBC Channel 1

Msako mkali wa magari yanayokiuka kanuni za kudhibiti mwendo utaanzishwa juma klijalo ili kupungza ajali za barabarani wakati wa msimu wa sikukuu. Chama cha vidhibiti mwendo na usalama barabarani kinasema hatua hiyo inalenga kukomesha maafa yanayosababishwa na magari yanayokwenda kasi kupita kiasi.

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12th Oct, 2022

Ripoti ya kushangaza kuhusu 'basi la burudani' lililosababisha vifo vya watu 11, Meru - NTV Kenya

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12th Oct, 2022

Anyiti itemi ruhonge-ini rwa ukuui kuuga mbathi iria yaguire kiumia kihituku ndiahingitie mawatho - Kameme TV

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12th Oct, 2022

Road Safety Association investigates 'Party on Wheels' accident - K24TV

Following the tragic accident along Nanyuki Meru road which left 11 people dead, the Road Safety Association visited the scene of the accident.

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12th Oct, 2022

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11th Oct, 2022

Party bus of death: Survivor of the 'Party on Wheels' bus accident recounts moments before the crash - Citizen TV Kenya

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30th Sept, 2022

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30th Sept, 2022

Stakeholders want bodaboda speed capped - KTN News

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22nd Sept, 2022

Ajali za barabarani | Magari ya umma kuwa na vibandiko vipya - KBC Channel 1

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20th July, 2022

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20 July, 2022

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Chama cha Usalama Barabarani kikishirikiana na Mamlaka ya Taifa ya Usafiri Salama na Mamlaka ya Barabara kuu ya Taifa la Kenya imewahimiza madereva wa magari ya umma kuweka vifaa vya kupunguza kasi katika juhudi za kukomesha ajali barabarani.

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20th July, 2022

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20th July, 2022

PSVs urged to refit speed governors as Stakeholders raise alarm over rising death toll - KBC Channel 1

The Road Safety Association in conjunction with the National Transport and Safety Authority and the Kenya National Highways Authority has called on Public Service vehicle operators to refit their vehicles with speed limiting gadgets in an effort to curb road carnage.

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12th July, 2022

RSAK Chairperson David Kiarie speaks on road safety - TV47

"In this country, we don't need any policy, we don't need any other laws because l think in the continent we have the best policies towards road safety but there is no enforcement" ~ David Kiarie.

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16th June, 2022

RSAK has expressed concern over accidents - K24TV

The Road Safety Association of Kenya warns drivers to be careful on the roads especially on new roads that they have never navigated before.

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21st March, 2022

Kenya's Killer Roads - BBC Africa Eye documentary

Africa Eye exposes dodgy driving licences and dangerous vehicles on Kenya's killer roads. Have the network of roads which criss-cross Kenya become death traps?

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4th Jan, 2022

Over speeding blamed on increased Road Accidents - By KBC Channel 1

Over speeding of public service vehicles resulting from ill-fitted speed governors has been blamed for the increased road accidents in the country. RSAK chairman David Njoroge Kiarie said that most of the public service vehicles operating on major highways across the country have faulty or invalid speed governors.

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14th Jan, 2021

RSAK calls on NTSA to restore sanity on Kenyan roads - KBC Channel 1

The Association says many Kenyans continue to lose their lives on the road due to alleged nonchalance by those charged with the responsibility of enforcing road safety.

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16th Dec, 2020

RSAK Acusse NTSA For Failing On Its Mandate - Ebru TV

The RSAK has called upon the DPP, KRA and EACC to investigate claims of corruption at the national transport and safety authority body. RSAK claims the respective body has failed its mandate to ensure safety of Kenyans as over 3000 Kenyans are reported to have died in road accidents this year as Milliah Kisienya report.

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22nd Jan, 2020

RSAK calls for disbandment of NTSA over incompetency and corruption allegations - KTN News Kenya

Following KTN news investigative piece exposing corruption at NTSA inspections centers and the rising road carnage in Kenya, RSAK and other stakeholders have urged the government to take action against corrupt officers.

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17th Dec, 2019

Road Safety - Good Morning Kenya By KBC Channel 1

David Kiarie Njoroge - Roads Safety Association of Kenya Chairman talks about safety during festive season.

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6th Sept, 2018

RSAK nabs NTSA officials for clearing unroadworthy vehicle - K24TV

Several NTSA officers from Thika town are under investigations, after a sting operation uncovered a cartel that has been issuing inspection stickers to vehicles without going through the necessary process.

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3rd Nov, 2017

RSAK to compel KeNHA to guarantee safety of motorists - KBC Channel 1

RSAK is considering legal action to compel Kenya National Highways Authority to guarantee safety of motorists on major highways across the country. The association claims current road construction parameters do not meet international safety standards leading to accidents.

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Lunga Lunga Plaza Along Lunga Lunga Road, Industrial Area


+254 715 238 797

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